Who Is Saint Germain?

Saint Germain, Master of AlchemyEl Morya succinctly describes Saint Germain, "The Lord of the Seventh Ray, who is the Master of Alchemy, teaches not only the uses of the energies of freedom and the spirit of liberty, but also the way of the alchemical ritual as a necessary component of soul liberation. His ritual is alive with meaning. In his retreat in Transylvania he unveils the symbology of the ritual of the atom and the fomulae of the cycles for the release of God's energy in manifestation in man. ...On Friday night call to be taken to the Cave of Symbols, the retreat of Saint Germain on the North American continent, so that you may be saturated with the violet flame focused there and so that you may begin to master the ritual of the atom for the Aquarian age.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saint Germain

Saint Germain is more than an ascended master to me—he is the very spirit of freedom in the heart of America. He is the master of the Aquarian age just as Jesus was the master of the Piscean age.

Saint Germain comes to teach us the way of freedom. He asks the question: "What does it really mean to choose freedom?" And he answers it: "It means to free the electrons in your body and consciousness to flow with freedom's fire. It means to allow the electron to choose the path of freedom and not to subject that electron to the bondage of a limited consciousness, a limited matrix. It means to free your own self-awareness so that you can be aware of the self as having the potential of the Infinite."

I know that I am not unique in that millions of Americans today feel the tie of their heart flame to our beloved Saint Germain, our Uncle Sam. He was embodied as the prophet Samuel, hence the name. Saint Germain overshadowed the early American patriots in the framing of the Constitution and in the designing of our flag. He even anointed our first president, George Washington.

Saint Germain teaches that without the freedom to create there is no freedom. The opportunity to create is the basic endowment we have with the gift of free will.

The masters, through Saint Germain, have sponsored America to be a pilot nation for the republican form of government, for representative government according to the inner path of initiation. Those who have the greatest attainment in the Christ consciousness are intended to rise to the position of being statesmen and great examples of virtue to the people. ...They are intended to have integrity—the determination to be wed to a cause with nobility, love, purity, and so forth. ...And, of course, the ascended masters do sponsor every nation as the leaders of the nations are responsive to their vibrations.

Read more from Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saint Germain.

Saint Germain's Incarnations

Ruler of a golden-age civilization in the area of the Sahara Desert 50,000 years ago.

High priest on Atlantis 13,000 years ago.  Served in the Order of Lord Zadkiel in the Temple of Purification, located where the island of Cuba now is.

Prophet Samuel, eleventh century BC, Israel.  Great religious leader who figured as prophet, priest, and last of the Hebrew judges.

Saint Joseph, first century AD, Nazareth. Protector of Jesus and Mary.

Saint Alban, late third or early fourth century, town of Verulamium, renamed St.  Albans, Hertfordshire, England. First British martyr. Sheltered a fugitive priest, became a devout convert, and was put to death for disguising himself as the priest so he could die in his place.

Teacher of Proclus. The last major Greek Neo-platonic philosopher, Proclus (c. 410-485, Athens) headed the Platonic Academy and wrote extensively on philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, and grammar.

Merlin, c. fifth or sixth century, Britain. Magician, seer, and counselor at King Arthur's court who inspired the founding of the Order of the Knights of the Round Table.

Roger Bacon, c. 1220-1292, England. Philosopher, educational reformer, and experimental scientist; forerunner of modern science renowned for his exhaustive investigations into alchemy, optics, mathematics, and languages.

Christopher Columbus, 1451-1506, probably born Genoa, Italy, settled in Portugal. Discovered America in 1492 during first of four voyages to the New World sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain.

Sir Francis Bacon, 1561-1626, England. Philosopher, statesman, essayist and literary master, author of the Shakespearean plays, father of inductive science and herald of the scientific revolution. Took the initiation of the ascension May 1, 1684, then reappeared as:

Le Comte de Saint Germain, the "Wonderman of Europe," eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.  According to Prince Karl of Hesse, the Count revealed himself as the son of Prince Ferenc Rakoczy II of Transylvania; others have speculated he was a Portuguese Jew or son of the king of Portugal.  Outstanding alchemist, scholar, linguist, musician, artist and diplomat; worked behind the scenes to bring about a United States of Europe and to forestall the bloodshed of violent revolution. His powers included bi-location, appearing at court and then dissolving his form at will, removing flaws from diamonds and other precious stones, and precipitating an elixir that prevented aging. He was also ambidextrous and could compose simultaneously a letter with one hand and poetry with the other, or two identical pieces of writing with each hand. He visited Marie Antoinette and her intimate friend, Madame d'Adhémar, who later wrote the story of his adeptship and warning of the coming debacle and death of the king and queen.

(See Madame d'Adhémar, Souvenirs de Marie Antoinette, excerpted in Isabel Cooper-Oakley, The Count of Saint-Germain [Blauvelt, NY:  Rudolph Steiner Publications, 1970].
"Saint Germain on Freedom," in Pearls of Wisdom, 1977, vol. 20, nos. 31-52; 1978, vol. 21, nos. 1-7;
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays, Book One, chap. 7, Book Two, chap. 7.)

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